Dearest Canadian Vineyard Family,
Well, we are standing on the brink of a pretty surreal moment for the two of us. In the midst of one of the most intriguing, challenging and innovative times in recent history for the Ecclesia of Jesus, we are heading into a three-month sabbatical. As counterintuitive as this appears at such a juncture, we know it's not just a good idea, but actually an invitation of the Spirit to step aside for a time of refreshment, recreation and replenishing. This has been confirmed by so many of you and we are doing so with the full blessing of the National Team. It is deeply felt. Huge thanks. We're not sure we would've had the stick-to-it-ness required to stay the course without this discernment and support.
So many reflections, ideas and nudges, perhaps even prophetic insights are streaming through our prayers, conversations and dreams for the future of Vineyard Canada. We have high expectation that these things will distill into a clear sense of how we can continue to serve Vineyard Canada's emerging story over the next years. We're not going anywhere!
We'd thought of sharing with you our biggest take-aways from the last few months of COVID 19. Perhaps a poignant word "from the Lord" or a robust exposition would be the thing.
Instead, we felt to simply tell you all how much we love you. For real. Full stop.
This whole National Director thing has not been an easy gig. As Wimber used to say, "It's not the model, it's the mileage", and we most certainly have put a lot of miles on these ol' chassis the last six years. Yet, love has only deepened. It's certainly a love that has scraped knees and got dirt under its fingernails. We've learned it is a love as much at home in lament, process and angst, as it is in the elation of the tangible positive feelings it can generate. We're discovering a love beyond self, anchored to a future hope secured beyond the veil. It is raw. It is real. It is full of a sustaining grace. So, we keep walking. Step by step. Mile by mile. Until we see His unveiled face.
Again. We love you.
Stay safe. Stay smart. Stay real. Step by step.
In the love of Christ.
David and Anita