Every shift in season, provides a wonderful opportunity to reflect and re-center. This is especially true after a time of intense wrestle and challenge. Walter Brueggemann in his study of the book of Psalms refers to this practice as a time of "Reorientation."
It's a facet of what many would understand as the spiritually healthy rhythm of "taking stock". It's where we as individuals and as a community of Jesus followers create space to reset our compass back to Him. This is the invitation that we are sensing of the Spirit at this time, as we wait and reflect on what the Lord has been speaking to us.
St. Patrick, according to tradition, wrote His most famous prayer in 433 AD. This beautiful confession reflects this "reorienting" practice wonderfully.
The prayer in its entirety is inspiring and he finishes with this anchoring, declaration of who Christ is to him.
Christ with me
Christ before me
Christ behind me
Christ in me
Christ beneath me
Christ above me
Christ on my right
Christ on my left
Christ when I lie down
Christ when I sit down
Christ when I arise
Christ in the heart of every man (woman) who thinks of me Christ in the mouth of everyone who speaks of me
Christ in every eye that sees me Christ in every ear that hears me.
Each chapter in our journey as a faith family can provide an opportunity to recalibrate our "centre" and for a deeper cultivation of our hearts. It's a place where what's been exposed in us can be addressed and as a result produce "good soil" where fresh life can be planted in the season to come.
So, we are thankful for the good work the Holy Spirit has been doing in our lives during this past season, for "eventually" Brueggeman says, the season changes, the pressures ease, the sun comes out and we find ourselves in a different place.
As a family we are sensing this shift, but don't want to lose sight of any of wonderful gifts of understanding and grace that have sustained us this far. Somehow, as we walk forward we want to embody a greater understanding of mercy, of humility, of compassion, of restraint and ultimately of the importance of keeping Christ at the Centre of our story.
So here is to our past and to our future as we move forward with anticipation and embrace all that the Father has in store for us as Vineyard Canada.
David and Anita Ruis